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Pre-conception and pregnancy

Pregnant woman
HEALTHY MOTHER, HEALTHY CHILD: Healthy mothers are more likely to have healthy babies, and to give the best possible start in life to the next generation.

Good nutrition during the first 1000 days from the start of pregnancy to your baby’s second birthday is critical to the future health and wellbeing of your child. Even before conception, factors such as your nutritional status, maternal weight or smoking status can influence the development of your baby.

Whether you wish to conceive or are already pregnant, you should carefully monitor your nutritional intakes to ensure both you and your baby receive everything you need.

A healthy, varied and well-balanced diet is enough to cover all your – and your baby’s – nutritional needs, with the exception of certain vitamins and minerals, for example folic acid and iron, which are harder to obtain from food in the amounts required during pregnancy. Ask your doctor to recommend a prenatal supplement with these nutrients.

Adapting your nutritional habits is one of the best and easiest things you can do for your baby’s growth, development and future health.

Here are a few tips to help you get on the right track:

Eating for two?
Controlling weight gain while pregnant
Useful tips for a healthier diet and lifestyle during pregnancy