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Our work with the UN Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is a strategic policy initiative for businesses committed to aligning their operations and strategies with 10 universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Our own Corporate Business Principles incorporate the 10 UNGC Principles and we reflect the basic concepts of fairness, honesty and respect for people and the environment in our business actions.

Our Communication on Progress

As a participant in the UNGC, we disclose our progress on the implementation of the 10 Principles and the activities we are carrying out in support of the 2030 development agenda.

Our Communication on Progress increases transparency and accountability, pushes us to continue to improve on our performance and ensures that UNGC signatory companies live up to the expectations set by the Compact and the United Nations.


As a member of the UNGC’s leadership platform LEAD, and its Steering Committee, we support the integration of sustainability principles into core business operations and the alignment of corporate goal-setting with global development priorities. Through LEAD, we are also able to deepen our efforts and commitments to answer to the call to action made by the SDGs.

In 2017, we continued to play an active role in initiatives advancing specific key parts of the 2030 development agenda, including the UNGC CEO Water Mandate; UNGC Food and Agriculture Business Principles; UNGC Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sustainability; UNGC Human Rights and Labour Working Group; Caring for Climate; Women’s Empowerment Principles; Business for the Rule of Law Steering Group and Working Group; Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative; and the Anti-Corruption Working Group.

UNGC Action Platforms

In 2017, we participated in several UNGC Action Platforms, engaging with like-minded companies to advance responsible business activities that support the UN SDGs:

  • We contributed to the Blueprint for Business Leadership Platform, inspiring businesses to apply five leadership qualities (ambition, collaboration, accountability, consistency and intentional) to their business strategies, products, supply chains, partnerships and operations to create positive impact at scale.
  • In partnership with the GRI and PwC, we helped develop a comprehensive inventory of indicators for each SDG for the Business Reporting Platform. This represents a major step towards a single framework with a common set of indicators.
  • At the UNGC Leaders Summit in September 2017, Nestlé participated in the Breakthrough Innovation Challenge (BIC) to address food waste (SDG 12.3) and improve food security and nutrition (SDG 2). The BIC brought together small, multidisciplinary teams develop and present solutions to key issues facing their businesses. During the summit, Nestlé presented its initial work on a platform designed to help consumers prepare nutritious meals and decrease food waste at home.

UN Global Compact local networks

Nestlé engages with the local networks that the UNGC has established around the world, to bring global commitments and ambitions to the ground and expedite progress by galvanising collective action at the country level. We are pleased to share the continuously deeper and insightful work our markets are carrying out in key areas at the local level. As of 2016, 13 of our markets strengthened their participation in their respective local networks by furthering their active involvement in specific working groups or taking their involvement a step further by becoming members at the leadership level. This is the case in Switzerland, Poland, Chile, China, Turkey and the UK and Ireland.