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Maggi Cooking Caravans

Healthy cooking tips on wheels
Maggi cooking Caravans
The start of Saly Kone’s career has not been an easy one.
She was forced to leave school and start working as a spice seller to help her mother and family survive, making only about CHF 8 a day.

Saly began selling Maggi tablets and tripled her daily income. As it was so successful, she took over the family business.


Financial independence


Today, the mother of one sells Maggi bouillons and spices for Nestlé in the Abobo market in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, giving her financial independence, and the opportunity to put her daughter through school.

I make enough to have financial independence and take care of my daughter on my own. My wish is to be able to give her access to full time education.
Saly Kone

Healthy cooking tips and nutritional expertise


As one of more than 83,000 Maggi mammies– women sellers in the open market – in Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal, Saly also has the satisfaction of knowing that the products she sells help to improve people’s nutrition.


This is because they are fortified with iodised salt and iron to address micronutrient deficiencies, in which children and women of childbearing age are particularly at risk.


Nestlé is funding training for women like Saly across Central and West Africa on the importance of good nutrition, balanced nutrition and cooking safety. In turn, they then pass on this knowledge to consumers.


The Maggi mammies are doing this through Nestlé’s Maggi Cooking Caravans, which are travelling through the region. They are learning about healthy cooking tips, culinary hygiene and nutritional expertise through interactive cooking demonstrations, women’s forums, group discussions and presentations on micronutrient fortification.


As well as helping to improve people’s nutrition through fortified Maggi products, the company also provides Maggi mammies in some countries like Côte d’Ivoire with incentives like vaccinations too.