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Frequently Asked Questions about Nescafé | Nestlé
Nescafé Classic is pure coffee and is gluten free.
Coffee mixes may contain gluten from the creamer that is added. So, it is important to read product labels to be sure of ingredients used.
Yes, moderate daily consumption of coffee (3 to 4 cups) by healthy adults is considered safe.
For pregnant women with high daily caffeine intake (more than 300 mg per day), the WHO recommends lowering daily caffeine intake to reduce the risk of pregnancy loss and low birth weight of newborns.
Please consult your health care provider if you have concerns.
1. Coffee naturally contains a variety of compounds that display antioxidant properties
2. Coffee is widely known to contain caffeine, which is a mild stimulant. This helps stimulate body and mind.
Moderate daily consumption of coffee (3 to 4 cups) by healthy adults is considered safe.
The reported effects of coffee are attributed to its caffeine content. Effects of caffeine vary depending on the quantity of caffeine consumed and individual tolerance or differences. One cup (250ml) of prepared instant coffee contains 60-80mg of caffeine. De-caffeinated options are also alternatives to enjoy.
Please consult your healthcare professional if you have concerns.
Small amounts of caffeine are safe during pregnancy.
The WHO recommends that pregnant women with high daily caffeine intake (more than 300 mg per day), lower daily caffeine intake to reduce the risk of pregnancy loss and low weight of newborns.
One cup (250ml) of prepared instant coffee contains 60-80mg of caffeine. Tea, chocolate, cocoa, cola beverages and some energy drinks also contain caffeine in varying amounts. De-caffeinated options are alternatives to enjoy. Please consult your healthcare professional if you have concerns.
Weight gain and loss is based on a balance of energy consumed and that expended. Weight gain occurs over time when people regularly use up more energy than their body needs. There is no evidence that Nescafe can help one lose weight, however pure coffee is a low-calorie beverage, even when consumed with milk.