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Quality and Safety at Nestlé | Nestlé

At Nestlé we are committed to delighting our consumers with healthy food and beverages of the highest quality. Read more about quality and safety at Nestlé.

The role of R&D in quality and safety

Our R&D organisation includes a dedicated Quality and Food Safety Network. This has a number of different elements such as:

  • An Early Warning Network, which identifies and helps prevent potential safety issues
  • A Microbiological Safety Network that provides fast and reliable microbiology safety assessments.
  • An Analytical Methods Network to develop and improve analytical standards
  • A Global Analytical Laboratories Network. Nestlé has 25 regional testing labs that provide analytical data and Quality Assurance support to operations and R&D.
High performance liquid chromatographyWe use high performance liquid chromatography to identify and quantify chemical compounds.

As part of our commitment to quality and safety we use a variety of analytical methods to detect and/or quantify chemical compounds. The methods that we use in our factories include titration, ELISA, and HPLC. However, in our regional labs and at the Nestlé Research Centre we use methods with even greater sophistication and sensitivity such as UPLC, GCMS, LC-MS-MS and TOF-MS.

Every day we do numerous quality checks. We gather around 200,000 analytical results per day at the factory level. Nestlé monitors all materials and products, and our regional labs generate 10,000 safety results per day..