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Nestlé's Corporate Business Principles

Since the Company was founded, Nestlé’s business practices have been governed by integrity, honesty, fair dealing and full compliance with all applicable laws. Nestlé employees worldwide have upheld and lived this commitment in their every day responsibilities ever since, and Nestlé’s reputation remains one of the Company’s most important assets today. 

The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles prescribe certain values and principles which Nestlé has committed to worldwide. This Code of Business Conduct specifies and helps the continued implementation of the Corporate Business Principles by establishing certain non-negotiable minimum standards of behaviour in key areas.

The nature of the Code is not meant to cover all possible situations that may occur. It is designed to provide a frame of reference against which to measure any activities. 

While our Corporate Business Principles are firmly established, we continue to adapt them for a changing world. For instance, we incorporated all ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact soon after their creation and we continue to implement them today.

Download the Nestlé Corporate Business Principles (English - pdf, 2Mb)