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Our culture of integrity

Our commitment: Enhance a culture of integrity across the organisation

Our commitment: Work against corruption and bribery

Upholding and promoting the highest standards across our business

Our values are reflected in the way we do business – always acting legally and honestly, with respect for our own people and for those with whom we do business, as well as for diversity and for the future. It is the responsibility of every one of us to bring our purpose and values to life.

Progress against our objectives

Our objectives Our results

By 2017: Employees with computers completing the compliance e-learning process started in 2015. Markets confirming that key corporate compliance practices are in place and improvement areas defined.

By 2018: Markets launching a compliance communication plan further reinforcing tone at the top and speaking up. CARE audit enhanced on human rights and schedules defined for Nestlé sites with the new protocol.

By 2019: Markets reinforcing compliance as a leadership responsibility based on corporate toolkit for training managers on business integrity.

By 2020: A proactive review is conducted for our compliance activities and policies in light of our evolving product portfolio.

98.7% of employees with computers have completed compliance e-learning.

100% of markets have confirmed key corporate compliance practices are in place.

Compliance Communication Best Practices reinforcing tone at the top and speaking have been shared with all the markets in 2017. New CARE audit programme enhanced on human rights has been developed and piloted in 2017. In 2018, markets will receive a toolkit to be implemented in 2019.

CARE audit gaps 2017

Our CARE programme uses independent assessments to measure compliance with human rights and labour practices, business integrity, safety and health, environmental sustainability and security. In 2017, we carried out 146 CARE audits, which identified 135 gaps requiring action. Of these, 15 have been remedied, with the remainder in the process of being addressed.

Human rights and labour practices Safety and health Environmental sustainability Business integrity Security
Minor 48 15 29 10 10
Major 22 0 0 0 0
Critical 0 0 0 0 0
Total 70 15 29 10 10

Minor – an isolated and non-repetitive finding or minor issue;
Major – a systematic finding or major issue or infringement against local legislation; and
Critical – an exceptional issue, which requires immediate notification to the Nestlé Group Compliance Committee.