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Advocate for effective water policies and stewardship

Our commitment: Advocate for effective water policies and stewardship

Our commitment: Advocate for effective water policies and stewardship

Working with others for positive impact

We believe that proactive, long-term engagement and partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders can help to define, implement and evaluate solutions to the complex environmental challenges that we face.

Droughts in water-stressed areas and the long-term sustainability of water resources are just two of the many complex challenges our planet faces.

Progress against our objectives

Our objectives Our results

By 2017: Support the World Resources Institute (WRI) in the development of an open-source valuation methodology to determine the ‘sustainable cost of water’.

By 2020: Continue to build the 2030 Water Resources Group public–private partnership by adding one more country per year.

By 2020: Actively support the development of CEO Water Mandate local networks in at least three Nestlé markets.

By 2020: Continue supporting the AWS Standard by implementing it in five new locations.

By 2020: Apply the new Farm and Catchment-Level Assessment tool prepared by the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform) in at least five agricultural supply sourcing locations.

Methodology to determine the "sustainable cost of water" presented at Stockholm World Water week in 2016 and piloted in 2017.

11 countries added to the 2030 Water Resources Group since 2009.

Supported CEO Water Mandate networks in three markets.

4factories certified against the AWS Standard.

New SAI Platform assessment tool used in three locations.