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Breast-milk substitute marketing: compliance record
We invest substantial resources to ensure our marketing of breast-milk substitutes (BMS) complies with the aim and principles of the Nestlé Policy and Procedures for the Implementation of the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes (pdf, 3.2Mb) (the WHO Code). We are strongly committed to transparency, and report regularly and publicly on compliance with topics that are related to the WHO Code. These reports are available below.
Our compliance record
Every year, we publish an external report summarising the results of our compliance record with the WHO Code over the year, and actions taken to remedy any non-compliances found. These reports cover compliance with the Nestlé Policy and instructions for implementation of the WHO Code and national regulations implementing the Code.
External reports on WHO Code compliance
FTSE4Good is the responsible investment index of the FTSE Group. It is designed to help investors identify and invest in companies that meet globally recognised corporate responsibility standards. It is the only responsible investment index that has defined objective criteria on the responsible marketing of BMS.
We are proud to have been the first BMS manufacturer included in the FTSE4Good Index and to have consistently met its rigorous criteria for the responsible marketing of BMS since 2011.
Read about our progress in this area.
External audits performed by Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas undertakes independent assurance of our compliance with the Nestlé Policy and Instructions for Implementation of the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and national regulations implementing the Code at a country level. Bureau Veritas produces two to three assurance statements a year, which can be found below.
External audits
Response to IBFAN reports
We publicly respond to the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) report Breaking the Rules, which compiles concerns about infant food marketing practices by all major infant food manufacturers, including Nestlé. We investigate all allegations made in the report and publicly communicate the result of our investigations. We take corrective action whenever it is warranted.
Nestlé responses to IBFAN reports
Addressing stakeholder concerns
We encourage stakeholders and the general public to tell us of any concerns regarding our compliance with the Nestlé Policy or the national legislation on the marketing of breast-milk substitutes through our compliance reporting system. Here are our responses to concerns raised directly with us through official mail.