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Global Youth Initiative on Agripreneurship | Nestlé

With less than 5% of farmers worldwide under 35, jobs in agriculture are attracting fewer young people at a time when the world’s population is rapidly growing. We’re helping to inspire, train and enable the next generation of 'agripreneurs' – to give them the knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial spirit they need to develop and manage productive farms in the 21st century.

In 2012, we started the Nestlé Agripreneurship Programme, to help young agripreneurs like Shaukat in Pakistan develop their skills through 'Farmer Connect'. Through this programme we source agricultural materials directly from around 685,000 farmers.

Through our partnership with International Fertilizer Development Cooperation (IFDC), we also aim to strengthen the resilience of millet/sorghum farming systems in North Western Nigeria by empowering smallholder farmers to further develop farming as a sustainable business.

We have reached over 56,000 small holder farmers (SHFs) so far including 2,123 youth and 1,606 women.

One of our prime beneficiaries is Saadatu Sani who like 15,000 other farmers, benefited from training on grain quality and quantity improvement programs as well as business training programmes and coaching to help her run farming as a business and grow her income.