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Committing to road safety

Keeping employees safe on the road
committing to road safety
Health and safety is important for everyone, regardless of what they do or where they work. This is especially important when on the move – and the increasing awareness of safe driving, taking breaks and wearing seat belts and helmets are becoming daily routines in the workplace.

This is essential because in Mali, the huge number of accidents involving two-wheeled vehicles in the country stands at 70% of the 1,503 accidents, often with serious head injuries.

Nestlé Mali Commits

But action is now being taken to create a healthier and safer place to be.

Together with partners Koumalim and Somakoff, Nestlé launched the ‘Nestlé Road Safety’ programme earlier this year, with backing from the Transport Ministry, Highway Safety, and Department of Civil Protection.

Under the ‘Nestlé Mali Commits’ initiative, the company is helping to reinforce the safety of its employees and its partners in the workplace.

Workers based in its offices, warehouses and factories are now required to wear helmets when on two-wheeled transport on the road.

This helps to keep them safe while out and about during work time, and also getting to-and-from their workplace. It also means that they are given a wider awareness of the dangers on the road, as a way of educating everyone in the workforce.

Keeping more employees safe

The initiative is so successful that it may be extended to other countries in the region, said Karim El Kasri, General Manager of Nestlé Savanna (Burkina, Mali, Niger, Togo and Benin).

Road safety is part of a set of actions planned from our market in our programme ‘Nestlé Commits’, which covers health and wellbeing, safety, as well as employment and entrepreneurship for young people.
Karim El Kasri

The joint venture will help even more employee drivers stay safe on the busy roads in Mali – and potentially all across Central and West Africa.