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Protecting labour rights and children in our supply chain

Our commitment: Improve workers’ livelihoods and protect children in our agricultural supply chain

Our commitment: Eliminate child labour in key commodities

Improving workers’ livelihoods

Nestlé is against all forms of human rights violations, including labour rights violations. This is outlined in our policy: Nestlé Commitment on Labour Rights in Agricultural Supply Chains (pdf, 200Kb).

As we look at human rights impacts beyond our operations, seven of our 11 salient issues relate to labour rights, and are associated with our agricultural supply chains.

Progress against our objectives

Our objectives Our results

By 2017: Release the roadmap with clear priorities for each salient labour rights issue.

By 2018: Start reporting on the number of workers in agricultural supply chains having benefited from our interventions on selected salient labour rights issues.

By 2020: Start reporting on the number of workers in agricultural supply chains having benefited from our interventions on all salient labour rights issues.

Roadmap published in May 2017.

Reporting to start in 2018.

Reporting to start in 2020.