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Responsible marketing to children

Our commitment: Market to children only choices that help them achieve a nutritious diet

Our commitment: Market to children only choices that help them achieve a nutritious diet

Promoting good nutrition

We are committed to making a positive impact on consumers’ lives. As a vulnerable group, children deserve particular attention, and we firmly support responsible marketing practices.

We work with governments and industry initiatives across the world to develop best practices, policies and guidelines.

Progress against our objectives

Our objectives Our results

By 2017: In support of the implementation of the Nestlé Policy on Marketing Communication to Children, we will roll out targeted training for our marketing teams globally.

By 2017: Promote to children only choices that are core to a nutritious diet.

Established a new and stricter Nestlé Marketing Communication to Children Policy.

100% compliance of Nestlé websites with the EU Pledge.

51 countries covered by national or regional pledges on marketing foods to children.

Compliance with industry commitments

We strictly comply with both our own Nestlé Consumer Communication Principles on responsible marketing to children and with industry commitments. We are a founding member of the International Food & Beverage Alliance (IFBA) and rigorously follow its Global Policy on Advertising and Marketing Communications to Children.

We also signed numerous voluntary industry advertising pledges around the world to improve – and, in some cases, remove – advertising to children. These pledges make sure that no advertising of foods and beverages is targeted at children under 12 on television, print or online, except for those that fulfil common nutritional criteria. They also ensure that there is no communication related to foods and beverages in primary schools, except where specifically agreed with the school for educational purposes.

Supporting the EU Pledge

One of the industry advertising commitments we have signed up to is the European Union Pledge. This supports parents in making the right diet and lifestyle choices for their children.

A third-party monitoring system ensures that all communications from member companies aimed at children fulfil the Pledge. To encourage compliance, monitoring results are available to download on the EU Pledge website.

‘Quality for kids’ label guides parents

Children love ice cream, and over the years we have put considerable effort into reformulating our children’s ice creams. We ensure they meet the EU Pledge Nutrition Criteria of not exceeding 110 calories per 100 g.

Our dedicated ‘Quality for kids’ label guides parents to this healthier choice, and we will not market ice cream directly to children. We are also working towards removing artificial colours and flavours, and continuing to improve nutrition, quality and taste by increasing the milk and fruit content of our ice creams.

Our progress in 2017

Back in 2008, we issued our Marketing Communication to Children Policy (pdf, 6Mb). In 2017, we worked to strengthen this further, and in January 2018, announced revised, stricter standards.

We do not market foods or beverages to children under the age of six. For children under 12 years of age, our policy restricts any marketing of products meeting the EU Pledge Nutrition Criteria. In addition, our updated policy sets stricter standards for direct marketing to children at point of sale and for the removal of licensed characters on-pack. The revised standards cover all communication channels, ensure better protection for children, promote a healthy lifestyle, and support parents and caregivers in their role.

Our commitment is to market to children only choices that help them achieve a nutritious diet. For more information on progress against this commitment see our full report (pdf, 10Mb).