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External recognition for Nestlé| Nestlé

Although we are not driven by awards and recognition, we are nonetheless proud to have our sustainability efforts and achievements acknowledged in 2017 by world-leading ratings and rankings agencies. We are also open to working with their suggestions to support continuous improvement.


FTSE4Good Index


We were the first breast-milk substitute manufacturer to be included in the FTSE4Good Index, and have retained our place for five years.

Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI)

Access to Nutrition Index™ (ATNI)


We were ranked first out of 22 global food and beverage manufacturers in the 2018 Access to Nutrition Index™ (ATNI). The goal of the Access to Nutrition Indexes is to facilitate improved diets and a reduction of the serious global problems of both obesity and undernutrition.

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices


We received the maximum score of 100/100 in both the Water and Climate strategy sections of the 2017 Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). The DJSI is a globally recognised independent benchmark that measures the performance of the largest 2500 companies.

CDP logo

Climate Disclosure Leadership Index

We retained our place in CDP’s annual Climate A list in recognition of our actions during the last year to cut emissions, mitigate climate risks and develop the low-carbon economy.

Nestlé answer to 2017 CDP Climate change questionnaire (pdf, 2Mb)

CDP water programme

The CDP water programme promotes sustainable corporate water stewardship. In 2017, we received a ‘Leadership’ score of A-.

Nestlé 2017 CDP water questionnaire (pdf, 1Mb)

The global 100 logo

The Global 100

Nestlé was ranked among Corporate Knights’ 2018 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World.

Ceres logo


Ranked top scorer within the packaged food industry in Ceres’ Feeding Ourselves Thirsty, an analysis comparing the water risk management performance of 42 global companies.